STMicroelectronics Nucleo-F030R8 Board Support Package

This package contains project templates, system files and example programs for the STMicroelectronics Nucleo-F030R8.

CrossWorks Version 4 Installation Instructions

To install this support package
  1. Click the Tools > Package Manager menu option to open the package manager window.
  2. Right click on the STMicroelectronics Nucleo-F030R8 Board Support Package entry and select Install Selected Packages.
  3. Click Next to take you to the summary page.
  4. Click Next to install the package.
  5. Click Finish to close the package manager window.
  6. Click the Tools > Show Installed Packages.
  7. Click on the STMicroelectronics Nucleo-F030R8 Board Support Package link to view the package and its contents.
To manually install this support package
  1. If you have not done so already, install the following packages:
  2. Download the file ST_Nucleo_F030R8.hzq using your web browser.
  3. Click the Tools > Manually Install Packages menu option.
  4. Select the file you have just downloaded to install the package.
  5. Click the Tools > Show Installed Packages.
  6. Click on the STMicroelectronics Nucleo-F030R8 Board Support Package link to view the package and its contents.
To install this support package using other versions

Release Notes





Using the ST_Nucleo_F030R8 Project File

You should download and install the STM32 Nucleo Board Firmware Application Package from the STMicroelectronics website.

You should set the CrossWorks global macro STM32_Nucleo_FW to the STM32 Nucleo Board Firmware Application Package installation directory using the "Project | Macros" dialog for example STM32_Nucleo_FW=E:/Downloads/stsw-stm32143/STM32_Nucleo_FW_V1.2.0

The template project file (click to load project) for the ST_Nucleo_F030R8 is provided.

After the required project file is loaded:

Using the FreeRTOS Sample Project File

You can use the right click context menu in the solution node of the project explorer and select Save Solution As.. to specify a project filename to save as. You can then right click on the FreeRTOS folders, select Convert To Regular Folder and then use Import to get project local copies of the file(s) that you wish to modify.