typedef struct {
  signed char i2c_bus_index;
  signed char spi_bus_index;
  signed char uart_index;
  unsigned char pin3_txd;
  unsigned char pin4_rxd;
  unsigned char pin5_scl;
  unsigned char pin6_sda;
  unsigned char pin7_miso;
  unsigned char pin8_mosi;
  unsigned char pin9_sck;
  unsigned char pin10_ssel;

PLATFORM_UEXT_CONFIGURATION_t describes the connection topology and bus connection for an Olimex UEXT socket.

The index of the platform I2C bus that is routed to the SDA and SCL pins on the UEXT socket. If this is negative, the UEXT socket does not support I2C communication.
The index of the platform SPI bus that is routed to the MOSI, MISO, and SCK pins on the UEXT socket. If this is negative, the UEXT socket does not support SPI communication.
The index of the platform UART that is routed to the TXD and RXD pins on the UEXT socket. If this is negative, the UEXT socket does not support UART communication.
The platform pin connected to TXD (pin 3) on the UEXT socket. If this is PLATFORM_PIN_CONNECTION, the UEXT pin is unconnected.
The platform pin connected to RXD (pin 4) on the UEXT socket. If this is PLATFORM_PIN_CONNECTION, the UEXT pin is unconnected.
The platform pin connected to SCL (pin 5) on the UEXT socket. If this is PLATFORM_PIN_CONNECTION, the UEXT pin is unconnected.
The platform pin connected to SDA (pin 6) on the UEXT socket. If this is PLATFORM_PIN_CONNECTION, the UEXT pin is unconnected.
The platform pin connected to MISO (pin 7) on the UEXT socket. If this is PLATFORM_PIN_CONNECTION, the UEXT pin is unconnected.
The platform pin connected to MOSI (pin 8) on the UEXT socket. If this is PLATFORM_PIN_CONNECTION, the UEXT pin is unconnected.
The platform pin connected to SCK (pin 9) on the UEXT socket. If this is PLATFORM_PIN_CONNECTION, the UEXT pin is unconnected.
The platform pin connected to SSEL (pin 10) on the UEXT socket. If this is PLATFORM_PIN_CONNECTION, the UEXT pin is unconnected.
See Also
