
Driver for a SenseCore shield.

The SenseCore provides four SExI sites which you can populate with rivets. Each site is divided into two halves, an SPI half and an I2C half.

The PCA9655 port expander controls the chip selects to each of the SPI sites, the digital I/O signals to each of the sites, and can optionally control the Tx and Rx signals.


All correct at time of writing, but as always, manufacturers love to move things around on their website.

Web page


Test hardware

This code has been tested using a SolderCore and a SenseCore.

API Summary

SENSECORE_BUS_SIGNAL_t SenseCore I/O expander signals
SENSECORE_DRIVER_t SenseCore state
sensecore_init Initialize SenseCore on I2C bus
sensecore_init_ex Initialize SenseCore driver (extended)
sensecore_get_dio_signal Get the DIO signal for a single SExI site
sensecore_get_rx_signal Get the Rx signal for a single SExI site
sensecore_get_tx_signal Get the Tx signal for a single SExI site
sensecore_select_site Select a single SExI site
sensecore_set_cs_signal Set the CS signal for a single SExI site
sensecore_set_dio_signal Set the DIO signal for a single SExI site
sensecore_set_rx_signal Set the Rx signal for a single SExI site
sensecore_set_tx_signal Set the Tx signal for a single SExI site