typedef struct {
  CTL_GFX_DRIVER_t core;
  CTL_SPI_DEVICE_t *dev;
  void (*set_reset)(CTL_GFX_CONTROLLER_s *, int);
  void (*set_window)(CTL_GFX_CONTROLLER_s *, int , int , int , int);
  void (*write_register)(CTL_GFX_CONTROLLER_s *, unsigned , unsigned);
  void (*write_pixels)(CTL_GFX_CONTROLLER_s *, unsigned , int);
  void (*move_cursor)(CTL_GFX_CONTROLLER_s *, int , int);
  void (*write_command)(CTL_GFX_CONTROLLER_s *, int);
  void (*write_data_8b)(CTL_GFX_CONTROLLER_s *, int);
  void (*write_data_16b)(CTL_GFX_CONTROLLER_s *, int);
  void (*write_data_24b)(CTL_GFX_CONTROLLER_s *, int);
  void (*set_dc)(CTL_GFX_CONTROLLER_s *, int);
  unsigned char __window_trashed;
  unsigned char controller_address;
  unsigned char controller_caset;
  unsigned char controller_paset;
  unsigned char controller_ramwr;

CTL_GFX_CONTROLLER_t contains the instance data for a graphics driver that is implemented by a simple windowing, bus-interfaced (or otherwise) graphics controller. Typical graphics controllers provide a register-data interface that is abstracted by the write_register and write_pixels methods, and an operating window that is abstracted by the set_window method.

The core graphics driver.
The SPI device used to control SPI-attached controllers. If the device is attached using I2C or a parallel bus, this member must be set to zero.
A method to control the reset signal to the controller. Many drivers simply ignore this method and rely on the system's power-on reset or higher-level code to reset the controller.
Method to set the window that write_pixels works on.
Method to set the cursor to within the window (if required by the controller).
Method to write data to register reg.
Method to write pixel to graphics RAM n times.
A method to write a command to the graphics controller. Graphics controllers typically separate commands from data by a single bit that is presented on an address line or digital control signal, within the SPI protocol or within the I2C protocol.
Write 8 bits of data to the graphics controller.
Write 16 bits of data to the graphics controller in the byte order appropriate for the controller.
Write 16 bits of data to the graphics controller in the byte order appropriate for the controller.
Set the state of the D/C or RS signal for SPI-connected graphics controllers. Graphics controllers that are interfaced in 8-bit SPI mode require a separate D/C or RS signal to indicate whether the frames transferred over the SPI bus are to be interpreted as data or commands. For I2C, 9-bit SPI, and parallel-interfaced controllers, this member must be zero.
Internal address for I2C-connected and SPI-connected graphics controllers (if required).
Internal flag indicating whether the window is invalid and requires initializing before writing to GRAM.
An internal member set by the device driver that corresponds to the "column address" command of the graphics controller.
An internal member set by the device driver that corresponds to the "page address" command of the graphics controller.
An internal member set by the device driver that corresponds to the "RAM write" command of the graphics controller.