RP2040 Project Properties

Projects creating using the project templates in this support package have the following device specific project properties:

Heap Size

The heap size is set to be 256 bytes when a project is created. The heap size can be modified using the Heap Size project property.

Section Placement

You can select the memory configuration you require using the Section Placement project property.

For RP2040 projects, the set of placements are:

Stack Sizes

The main stack size is set to be 256 bytes when a project is created.

The process stack size is set to be 0 bytes when a project is created.

The main and process stack sizes can be modified using the Main Stack Size and Process Stack Size project properties.

To change the location of the stacks, edit the section placement file and place the .stack and .stack_process sections as required.

Target Processor

Once a project has been created you can target different devices by modifying the Target Processor project property. See the RP2040 Devices section for details on the files, preprocessor definitions and macro definitions used when a device is selected.

Second Stage Bootloader

The second stage bootloader can be selected using the Code > Build > Second Stage Bootloader project property. The property can be set to one of the following: