Opening SAML11 Sample Solutions

SAML11 Samples Solution

This solution contains general sample projects that run on SAML11 devices. To open the SAML11 Samples Solution:

SAML11 CMSIS-DSP Samples Solution

This solution contains sample projects that use the CMSIS-DSP library running on SAML11 devices. To open the SAML11 CMSIS-DSP Samples Solution:

SAML11 Rescue Solution

This solution contains a project that can be used to carry out a chip erase if you can no longer connect to the device using a regular project (this can happen if the UROW or BOCOR CRCs are invalid for example). It does not contain a program that can be run, it is simply a project that has been set up to allow you to connect when the device is in this state. To open the SAML11 Rescue Solution:

To carry out a chip erase: