STMicroelectronics STA8088 CPU Support Package

This package contains project templates and system files for the STMicroelectronics STA8088.

CrossWorks Version 2 Installation Instructions

To install this support package
  1. Click the Tools > Package Manager menu option to open the package manager window.
  2. Right click on the STMicroelectronics STA8088 CPU Support Package entry and select Install Selected Packages.
  3. Click Next to take you to the summary page.
  4. Click Next to install the package.
  5. Click Finish to close the package manager window.
  6. Click the Tools > Show Installed Packages.
  7. Click on the STMicroelectronics STA8088 CPU Support Package link to view the package and its contents.
To manually install this support package
  1. Download the file STA8088.hzq using your web browser.
  2. Click the Tools > Manually Install Packages menu option.
  3. Select the file you have just downloaded to install the package.
  4. Click the Tools > Show Installed Packages.
  5. Click on the STMicroelectronics STA8088 CPU Support Package link to view the package and its contents.
To install this support package using other versions

Release Notes



Creating STA8088 Projects

The STA8008 CPU support package enables projects to be created that run in the tightly couple memories (TCM) or in the Backup RAM of the STA8088. Such projects are for development and board bring up only. For production builds you should create a board specific project that has external memory that can be used as a boot source.

To create a new STA8088 project
To build and debug an application running in TCM
To build and debug an application running in Backup RAM

STA8088 Project Specifics

Memory Map File

The memory map file STA8088EX_MemoryMap.xml defines the memory segments of the STA8088EX and the peripheral registers. The sizes of the ITCM and DTCM segments and the names, sizes and access types of the external memory segments are specified using macros which can be set using the Memory Map Macros project property.

Section Placement

By default the project is built to execute in ITCM located at address zero with data in placed in DTCM located at address 0x00100000. You can right click on the project node in the project explorer and change the placement to be SRAM in this case the project will be located at address 0x11000000 which is the backup RAM.

Target Reset Script

The file STA8088_Target.js contains the Reset() reset script which resets the STA8088 using the NSRST pin and then stops it as soon as possible. This will allow the boot source code to execute before the debugger can stop so it is recommended that for development to select the ROM as the boot source. The TCMReset() reset script configures the size of the TCM's and enables them. The SRAMReset() reset script maps the backup RAM to address zero.

Target Startup Code

The startup code STA8088_Startup.s defines the exception vectors and startup code. The preprocessor defines that configure the startup code are documented in the startup file itself.

Target Support Code

The files STA8088_ctl.c and STA8088_ctl_irq_handler.s provide a simple interrupt handling framework and CTL support function.

Memory Simulator

The memory map of the STA8088EX is simulated. The memory simulation parameter supplies the sizes of the simulated external memory as follows CS0 size;CS1 size;CS2 size;SQI size.

Sample Projects

Known Issues