Freescale MAC7100EVB Board Support Package

This package contains project templates, system files and example programs for the Freescale MAC7100EVB.

CrossWorks Version 3 Installation Instructions

This package can only be installed if you have the following CrossWorks license bolt-ons:

To install this support package
  1. Click the Tools > Package Manager menu option to open the package manager window.
  2. Right click on the Freescale MAC7100EVB Board Support Package entry and select Install Selected Packages.
  3. Click Next to take you to the summary page.
  4. Click Next to install the package.
  5. Click Finish to close the package manager window.
  6. Click the Tools > Show Installed Packages.
  7. Click on the Freescale MAC7100EVB Board Support Package link to view the package and its contents.
To manually install this support package
  1. If you have not done so already, follow the CrossWorks Tasking Library Package and Freescale MAC7100 CPU Support Package installation instructions.
  2. Download the file Freescale_MAC7100EVB.hzq using your web browser.
  3. Click the Tools > Manually Install Packages menu option.
  4. Select the file you have just downloaded to install the package.
  5. Click the Tools > Show Installed Packages.
  6. Click on the Freescale MAC7100EVB Board Support Package link to view the package and its contents.
To install this support package using other versions

Release Notes




Using the MAC7100EVB Board Support Package

To create a new MAC7100EVB project

CrossStudio for ARM supports the MAC7100EVB running applications running in both Single-Chip and Expanded mode.

To build and debug an application

If, during downloading, you see the error message Memory erase operation failed: no driver installed for memory range then it is likely that you have selected an Expanded mode configuration with the MAC7100 configured for Single-Chip operation or vice versa. Please ensure that you have selected the build configuration (Expanded or Single-Chip) that matches the operating mode of the MAC7100 (see below).

The following sections describe the MAC7100EVB support in more detail.

Operating Modes

Both Single-Chip and Expanded modes are supported. Please configure your board for the correct mode using the MODA and MODB DIP switches before downloading any application to the board.

Single-Chip Mode

The memory map for Single-Chip mode is:

Address Range Description
00000000-0007FFFF Internal Program FLASH
40000000-40007FFF Internal SRAM
FE000000-FE007FFF Data FLASH

Warning: Note that the MAC7100EVB User Manual specifically states that the external bus cannot be used in single-chip mode.

Expanded Mode

The memory map for Expanded mode is:

Address Range Description
00000000-001FFFFF External AM29F160DB-70 FLASH, 4 wait states on CS0
00200000-0021FFFF External CY7C1021B-12 SRAM, 0 wait states on CS1
00300000-0030FFFF SMSC LAN91C111, 0 wait states on CS2
40000000-40007FFF Internal SRAM
FE000000-FE007FFF Data FLASH

Target Startup Code

The default startup code is in $(StudioDir)/targets/Freescale_MAC7100/MAC7100_Startup.s. It contains the exception vectors and the default exception handlers for operating in Normal Single-Chip mode and Normal Expanded mode. When configured in Expanded mode, the project settings for the startup code will set up chip selects CS0, CS1, and CS2 for the memory map above, set the PLL to run at 50MHz and run the system clock from the PLL.